Updates from the PGRC
Setbacks and opportunities
Maybe it's a strange way to start blogging about the fishroom, but since this is where I'm at, this is where I'll begin.
Several months ago, a power failure, during a heavy snowstorm, resulted in the deaths of many of my fish.
Anyone who's lost something they've worked hard for, and cared a lot about, can relate to how challenging it can be to refocus, and rebuild. I've spent the last several months trying to decide how (or if) to move forward.
I've done a lot of soul-searching, but I've come to the conclusion that this project, these fish, and my responsibility to them both are worth fighting for.
So, I decided to finally publish a website about this project, I've decided to try again, and to really make an effort to build this little dream into something that can be a service to others, and a benefit to the global conversation effort.
I hope that future blogs here will tell about the successes I'm having in rebuilding.
See you then,